Tag: <span>podcast</span>

My Narration of Sunil Patel’s “The Attic of Memories”

“The Damaged” in audio on StarShipSofaMy narration of Sunil Patel’s “The Attic of Memories” came out today on StarShipSofa. I just love this story!

Though only one thousand words, it explodes with a multitude of planets and science fiction concepts. In fact,new ones come flying toward you in almost every paragraph. But as with all great stories, this riff on the fantastical is not the point. It is the narrator’s loss of self that is at the heart of Sunil’s story.

The author uses the artificial containment of the narrator’s interstellar memories as a particularly apt metaphor for how we–current, single-stellar humans–package our memories and … Read more

My Narration of Fiona Moore’s “Metaphor” is Now Up on StarShipSofa

“The Damaged” in audio on StarShipSofaThe first of what I’m hoping are many narrations for StarShipSofa is now live.  I’m really glad they gave me this particular story. It is tense and unexpected and written with an meticulous attention to story-world details and story structure. Which is to say I spent the whole story both worried for the main character and intrigued by the strange, yet strangely familiar world, he inhabits. The story involves taverns, and obsessive rituals, and a determination by the protagonist to figure out what exactly is going on. The horror builds right up to the perfect ending.  You can listen to … Read more

Podcasting, Baby!

My internship with Small Beer Press continues. I have actually reached podcast number eight. This is the first podcast introduction where I actually talk about myself (just a little tiny bit). I listened to Starship Sofa for the first time a few weeks ago and suddenly realized it’s okay. I can acknowledge that I actually exist, that I have a life and opinions and, yes, even germs, when introducing the show.

In other news, I’m a tender morsel of bruise at the moment. As usual I have too much going on: podcasting, editing of stories and novellas and multiple … Read more