Tag: <span>The Attic of Memories</span>

My Narration of Sunil Patel’s “The Attic of Memories”

“The Damaged” in audio on StarShipSofaMy narration of Sunil Patel’s “The Attic of Memories” came out today on StarShipSofa. I just love this story!

Though only one thousand words, it explodes with a multitude of planets and science fiction concepts. In fact,new ones come flying toward you in almost every paragraph. But as with all great stories, this riff on the fantastical is not the point. It is the narrator’s loss of self that is at the heart of Sunil’s story.

The author uses the artificial containment of the narrator’s interstellar memories as a particularly apt metaphor for how we–current, single-stellar humans–package our memories and … Read more