Author: <span>Julie Day</span>

The End of a Decade!

I’ve been noticing these end-of-a-decade posts and I suddenly realized that 2020 ends my first decade as a published author. I started publishing stories 8 years ago. At this point, I feel like I might be a small press author, but I’m certainly no longer a new writer–something of a revelation. In honor of the decade that was, I decided to write my own end-of-decade post.

In the last decade I’ve published 36 stories in ~63 venues, including Interzone, Podcastle, the Cincinnati Review, The Dark, and Black Static. I’ve had one translated story released (French), … Read more

Embracing Failure: The Writing Process

Over on Horror Tree, I talk about my newly released novella The Rampant and why many many failures were necessary before I could complete this particular work.


Baby writers are never all the same. It is just the broad strokes–no sense of marketplaces or paths or realistic goals—that give new writers that patina of predictable and homogeneous. What a baby writer has to offer is, by definition, unique and as yet unrealized.

In my twenties, I spent years on journal writing, along with attempts at poetry and fiction that were all imagination—my imagination—but definitely lacked discipline and craft. … Read more

Welcome to My Macabre Food WEB

Over on Speculative Chic, I talk about my newly released novella The Rampant, how research informed the creation of the story and the macabre food web I designed in order to make the underground flesh-and-caterpillar field make sense.


Your My Inspiration

So where do all good stories start? In my case it’s often that fingers-half-covering-eyes thrill of something macabre or erotic or strange playing out on my mental stage. If I’m lucky such a moment (or feeling) triggers one of my obsessive neural pathways and then, well, I’m off, racing down the rabbit hole.

Which is my roundabout … Read more