Tag: <span>A Pinhole of Light</span>

Reflection on My Wild 2018

I often default to disappointment in what I’ve accomplished and so laying out the year’s good news is, much like writing a resume, a way to see myself from a less critical perspective. I failed at so much. And failed to sustain the energy to complete work far more than in prior years. Below is the much cheerier perspective, just as valid as the negative, but better, or perhaps less self aggrandizing, when seen as part of a balancing act!

2018 started with the publication of my short, horror story “Re-stitched” in Split Lip Magazine and its subsequent selection as … Read more

“A Pinhole of Light” — Black Static (September 2016)

My story “A Pinhole of Light” was published in the September 2016 issue of Black Static.

First Lines


Like this life, the afterlife is unfair. A woman dies at twenty-nine and leaves her infant daughter behind. Eight years later she is still trapped on the other side. When I’m in my happiest frame of mind, I imagine Veronica searching for my darkroom each time I turn on the blood-red light. In my darkest moments, I know I’m failing her. She still hasn’t arrived.

I’m an experienced photographer. I should be able to do better.

Forget ghost stories and … Read more

My Story “A Pinhole of Light” Emerges in Black Static #54

A Pinhole of Light

My story “A Pinhole of Light,” which concerns itself with ghost hordes, photography, and transformation, just came out in the September/ October issue of Black Static. I was going through a rough patch when I wrote this piece and something of that dark energy wove itself into this particular story world. As usual, all those story-world details such as the mill town, the history of photography, and whatever else struck my fancy are the fruits of all that research I find myself compelled to do.

This will make my fourth publication with TTA Press and my first publication in this … Read more