So under “other reasons I’m not blogging regularly”: I still host the Small Beer podcast. I just put up an interview I did with John Kessel and I couldn’t be more thrilled: firstly because we had a lot to talk about and secondly because, after many hours of labor, I finally finished the track. Yes, once again I hit some unforeseen technical issue and ended up spending far too much time editing the audio so that it was “presentable.”
If only I could slap a little make-up on those audio files and call it a day…
If you want to hear a far-reaching discussion on everything from feminist moon colonies to Ender’s Game, you can find it .
If you want to check out my other Small Beer podcasts, you can find them here.
One other big reason I haven’t been blogging is that it feels like a crutch when I’m trying to find my way into a new story.
“Sure, I’m writing. I just blogged, didn’t I?”
“No, Julie, you did not. Blogging is a type of fiction, sure, but not the formal constructs of short story, novella or novel.”
I can be rather harsh on myself at times…
Things I’m researching for my latest short story include: Gila Bend, Arizona, the formation of both protostars and binary stars and the artwork found in the Phoenix Museum of Art. Rufino Tamayo’s Dos figuras in rojo is pretty damn fine.