Tag: <span>small beer podcast</span>

My Podcast Narration of Mary Rickert’s “Cold Fires” Now Available

The latest Small Beer Press podcast is finally out! Episode #21 involved some fun and some not so fun. First the fun: in order to select a story for the podcast, I *had* to read Mary Rickert’s new collection You Have Never Been Here. It was one of the best collections I’ve read in quite some time. And the stories just get better on reread.

And now the not so fun: narrating the podcast involved recording around the barks of of our rather spastic greyhound. Yes, greyhounds generally don’t bark, and yes one of our greyhounds has clearly aligned … Read more

Publications, The Next Big Thing, and Podcasts

The Colored Lens: Winter 2013I don’t blog nearly as much as I text, FB and tweet. Speaking in person is also one of my frequent activities.  I try though. I really do. I want to communicate. Why else would I choose to be a fiction writer? But when my day job compresses one hemisphere of my brain and my WIP eats up two months of dream time, my poor blog slips below the waves without a sound. Now that draft one of the novella is done and the holidays have passed, it seems a little resuscitation is in order.

My Latest News in Brief … Read more

Interviewing Jennifer Stevenson and My First Publication

I don’t want to calculate how long it took from recording the actual interview to broadcasting it in episode #13 of the Small Beer Press podcast, but I can’t help myself. My brain is wired for math: four months and two weeks. In between, I graduated from the Stonecoast M.F.A. program, watch my youngest child walk into school with the rest of his kindergarten class and published my first short story, “Finding Your Way to the Coast.” (now available in the fall 2012 issue of A cappella Zoo.) It was the first story I wrote for the … Read more