Tag: <span>short stories</span>

Uncommon Miracles Book Trailer!

Well this is all sorts of fairy-lights-and-pixie-dust magic! My collection Uncommon Miracles now has a book trailer. All thanks to the amazing work of Tasmin Traves, the Social Media Manager over at PS Publishing. And I can’t help but share it. It really is that exciting.

Each time I look at it my head spins the same track: Is this really my book? To which I reply, It does have your name on it… Anyway, I hope you enjoy Tamsin’s work as much as I do!

If you’d like Uncommon Miracles to arrive in your mailbox on an unexpected … Read more

Book Contract Signed!

It’s official. And now I can be officially thrilled, rather than that unofficially thrilled stance I’ve had to take for the last few months. I’ve just signed with PS Publishing for my first short story collection, Uncommon Miracles.

(Pausing here for a quick “Oh my God! This is amazing! It feels like a crazy dream. Also–don’t wake me up!)

It’s scheduled for release later this year. Yes, that means 2017.

The collection contains eighteen stories, many previously published in fantasy magazines, horror anthologies, or literary journals. Laura Page in The Review Review praised my work as “startling and elegant,” … Read more