Category: <span>publications</span>

“City Magic” — The Cincinnati Review (December 5th, 2018)

I write far more short fiction than I publish. And what I publish often takes a few years of fermentation before it reaches final form. Writing, for me, starts not with a character or a plot but with something far more elemental–a feeling juxapositioned against an image or moment.  Unfortunately, it takes awhile to discover the landscape of these places that my imagination throws out.

“City Magic” is my shortest published piece. It started in the regular fashion, as a moment in the woods and two characters I didn’t yet know, but as I kept trying to form that moment … Read more

2018 Fiction Awards Eligibility Post

The 2018 awards season means I need to untangle my works for this year and let people know what’s published and eligible. I honest-to-god don’t know why this post takes so long to put together! When I started I swear it was 2013…

Short Stories

“Re-stitched.” Split Lip Magazine  (January 1, 2018)

“Re-stitched” is a 3300-word dark fantasy story about family guilt, two sisters, and a grotesque religious ritual. It was first published online. SFWA & HWA members can find it in the Forums.

“Schrödinger’s.” Interzone 274 (March 1, 2018)

“Schrödinger’s” is a 4300 word story that involves a quantum … Read more

Uncommon Miracles Book Trailer!

Well this is all sorts of fairy-lights-and-pixie-dust magic! My collection Uncommon Miracles now has a book trailer. All thanks to the amazing work of Tasmin Traves, the Social Media Manager over at PS Publishing. And I can’t help but share it. It really is that exciting.

Each time I look at it my head spins the same track: Is this really my book? To which I reply, It does have your name on it… Anyway, I hope you enjoy Tamsin’s work as much as I do!

If you’d like Uncommon Miracles to arrive in your mailbox on an unexpected … Read more