Category: <span>Narration</span>

“City Magic” — The Cincinnati Review (December 5th, 2018)

I write far more short fiction than I publish. And what I publish often takes a few years of fermentation before it reaches final form. Writing, for me, starts not with a character or a plot but with something far more elemental–a feeling juxapositioned against an image or moment.  Unfortunately, it takes awhile to discover the landscape of these places that my imagination throws out.

“City Magic” is my shortest published piece. It started in the regular fashion, as a moment in the woods and two characters I didn’t yet know, but as I kept trying to form that moment … Read more

My Narration of Sharon Shinn’s “The Double-Edged Sword”

So I’m behind in my recordings. I owe a narration to one podcast and have another due in January. Finding a time in my home when I only have to contend with curious dogs and less curious cats is tricky, which is why recording Sharon Shinn’s “The Double-Edged Sword” was such a victory.  At 40 pages it’s squarely in that special category: novelette. In other words it’s a satisfyingly long read, or to put it another way it’s an epic short story.

Aesara, the protagonist, is strong and wild and scarred by life in a way that colors–or even dictates–her … Read more

My Narration of Sandra M. Odell’s “Telling Stories”

PodcastleMy narration of Sandra M. Odell’s “Tell Stories” is out in Podcastle 433. This story was both a joy to read and a writerly lesson for me. Writing humor is hard, much harder to my mind that writing dark fiction, or angry fiction, or just about any other kind of fiction. But Odell’s premise is surprising and her characters so damn real. It’s funny and heartful all at once. I really enjoyed working on the piece

Listeners are bound to be charmed, amused, and filled with the huge heart that clearly beats inside Sandra M. Odell. She knows funny, … Read more