Category: <span>podcasting</span>

Visibly Silent

Where the hell have I been?, where I blog with some fabulous writing friends, and my own are like sleeping crickets at the moment. It seems I can’t even be bothered to rub my own legs together and generate a line or two of music.

See, it’s busy times elsewhere in my life. Despite my quiet demeanor, it seems I am more like my five year old than a handshake and a quick conversation would lead you to believe. I am a woman of enthusiams. My current enthusiams along with a half-dozen unbreakable commitments, such as work, … Read more

Listeners Welcome: In Which I Read “Death’s Shed” by J.M. McDermott

I can’t believe how many times I recorded this story. So many, in fact, that my four year old started repeating the phrase “Death’s Shed” whenever he found me in front of my laptop. The two just things just naturally went together. This was actually the first piece I attempted to podcast. Now, finally, I have a finished recording. It even has an intro and everything.

It’s up on the Small Beer Press web site, my second in the Small Beer podcasting series.  You can subscribe to the series via iTunes.  I just knew something was wrong when … Read more

Listeners Welcome: An Interview with Delia Sherman

Delia Sherman and I chat about her novel, The Freedom Maze, her family history and why it took over eighteen years to get this particular book published.  Actually we chatted about a month ago, but all that technical stuff takes a little time.  Finally, the interview is up.  It’s the very first episode in my Small Beer Press podcasting series and the very first podcast I’m filing under Listeners Welcome.  I have to say I am very excited, though I suppose that could be the daily dose of caffeine I’m currently consuming. Nah.  This really is the biggest of … Read more