Tag: <span>The Rampant</span>

Book Birthday!!!!

Beware the Sumerian Rapture! The Rampant is officially out in the world! And I’m thrilled. Queer girls trying to save humanity by kicking off the end of the world? What’s not to like?!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1619761696
Aqueduct Press: http://www.aqueductpress.com/

What the heck do others have to say, you ask? Well…Okay then…
“This clever and surprisingly fun take on the rapture is the perfect theological horror story.” — Publishers Weekly

“Day perfectly balances dark and light in The Rampant, and offers up a fresh take on apocalyptic fiction that draws on ancient mythology and literature to create something that feels completely original … Read more

Visibly Silent

Where the hell have I been? GroupGrok.com, where I blog with some fabulous writing friends, and my own StillWingingIt.com are like sleeping crickets at the moment. It seems I can’t even be bothered to rub my own legs together and generate a line or two of music.

See, it’s busy times elsewhere in my life. Despite my quiet demeanor, it seems I am more like my five year old than a handshake and a quick conversation would lead you to believe. I am a woman of enthusiams. My current enthusiams along with a half-dozen unbreakable commitments, such as work, … Read more

Writing and Tattoos

So after two hours and far too much discomfort, I’m halfway through with the inking of my new tattoo. Of course, it’s taking longer than I expected and of course this first session involved a lot more pain than I envisioned before I lay down on that damn massage table.

The status right now? The outline is complete, but it’s going to take another two hours to get all those colors under my skin. Still, even partway done, the results are a little unexpected. In some ways the change is great and in other ways it’s disconcertingly different from what … Read more