Tag: <span>short story</span>

Reflection on My Wild 2018

I often default to disappointment in what I’ve accomplished and so laying out the year’s good news is, much like writing a resume, a way to see myself from a less critical perspective. I failed at so much. And failed to sustain the energy to complete work far more than in prior years. Below is the much cheerier perspective, just as valid as the negative, but better, or perhaps less self aggrandizing, when seen as part of a balancing act!

2018 started with the publication of my short, horror story “Re-stitched” in Split Lip Magazine and its subsequent selection as … Read more

“Schrödinger’s” — Interzone 274 (March/April 2018)

My story “Schrödinger’s” was published in the March/April 2018 issue of Interzone.

First Lines

A strip club doesn’t have to be female-unsettling, at least no more than anything else women go through like a step-dad with too-friendly hands, a boyfriend who calls you passable rather than pretty, or a mom who finds a way to get angry at every damn thing. That’s what Kandi and I told each other during those early days after we opened the club and started hauling in all that money.



Interzone #274 has arrived with some great stories. Kandi and Jenn … Read more

“Raven Hair” — Cream City Review (April 2017)

My story “Raven Hair” was published in the Spring 2017 issue of the Cream City Review.

First Lines


You were the wolf, the witch, the unnamed monster in the woods. Instead of blood offerings, the townspeople left you woven baskets full of waxy red fruit. I left myself: red cape and fiery virgin blood.

I was the one who lifted my hand and knocked. I had black hair, dark as a raven, and the dress my mother had sewn for me. You saw me just the same: my already curving hips, my waiting breasts.


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