Tag: <span>novelette</span>

“Idle Hands” — New Haven Review (February 2017)

My novelette “Idle Hands” was published in the February 2017 issue of the New Haven Review.

First Lines

Sylvia: 1971

God or no God, Sylvia Vieira’s special day was all wrong. No mother helped Sylvia fasten her dress for her First Communion. No little sister burst into her bedroom, upending her collection of pressed flowers and carefully preserved damselfly wings, then looking falsely outraged when Sylvia complained.


Buy A Copy

Buy a copy of the New Haven Review, the essay, fiction, poetry, art, and book review journal where “Idle Hands” first appeared (Issue 019): http://www.newhavenreview.com/subscribeordonate/

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Novelette “Idle Hands” in the Latest New Haven Review!

“Idle Hands” is the reason I love damselflies, dragonflies, and the Azores, at least from afar. It all started with one isolated species of damselfly found on the Azores Archipelago. Ischnura hastata has been found to reproduce parthenogenetically, that is without males. This fact, along with some beautiful images of the islands themselves, somehow inspired  a generational story about mothers, daughters, the multiverse, and a family’s unusual addiction.

It took “Idle Hands” a few years to find its way to both final draft and a welcoming home. I couldn’t be more thrilled with where it landed. The New Haven Review … Read more