Tag: <span>Julie C. Day</span>

Holy Moly–I Have a Book Cover!!!!

Amazing. Incredible. The perfect piece of art. Tiffany Bozic’s “Fawn” is not only a fantastic painting, it’s also the perfect complement to my first-and-I-can’t-believe-it’s-really-happening collection Uncommon Miracles. The ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) of the book is off to the printers and will soon be on its way to reviewers. The book itself (ebook and hardcover) should be released in August. Despite typing the words, it still feels like it’s happening to some other Julie in some parallel universe and concerns stories I haven’t actually read (yet). I wish that Julie could share her imagined worlds with me… Meanwhile some of … Read more

“Schrödinger’s” — Interzone 274 (March/April 2018)

My story “Schrödinger’s” was published in the March/April 2018 issue of Interzone.

First Lines

A strip club doesn’t have to be female-unsettling, at least no more than anything else women go through like a step-dad with too-friendly hands, a boyfriend who calls you passable rather than pretty, or a mom who finds a way to get angry at every damn thing. That’s what Kandi and I told each other during those early days after we opened the club and started hauling in all that money.



Interzone #274 has arrived with some great stories. Kandi and Jenn … Read more

“Re-stitched” — Split Lip Magazine (January 2018)

My story “Re-stitched” was published in the January 2018 issue of Split Lip Magazine.

First Lines

It wasn’t Alicia’s catechism teacher, her mother, or even her sister who taught Alicia the truth about God’s grace and the redemptive power of skin robes. It was her stepfather, Larry McBride.

Alicia and her sister, Stephanie, sat side by side on the edge of Alicia’s bed in their matching flannel nightgowns. The clock on the wall read 1:36 am. Like most nights, Mom was working the late shift at the hospital.

Their stepfather stood less than a foot away. His eyes were … Read more