Tag: <span>Julie C. Day</span>

2018 Fiction Awards Eligibility Post

The 2018 awards season means I need to untangle my works for this year and let people know what’s published and eligible. I honest-to-god don’t know why this post takes so long to put together! When I started I swear it was 2013…

Short Stories

“Re-stitched.” Split Lip Magazine  (January 1, 2018)

“Re-stitched” is a 3300-word dark fantasy story about family guilt, two sisters, and a grotesque religious ritual. It was first published online. SFWA & HWA members can find it in the Forums.

“Schrödinger’s.” Interzone 274 (March 1, 2018)

“Schrödinger’s” is a 4300 word story that involves a quantum … Read more

Uncommon Miracles Book Trailer!

Well this is all sorts of fairy-lights-and-pixie-dust magic! My collection Uncommon Miracles now has a book trailer. All thanks to the amazing work of Tasmin Traves, the Social Media Manager over at PS Publishing. And I can’t help but share it. It really is that exciting.

Each time I look at it my head spins the same track: Is this really my book? To which I reply, It does have your name on it… Anyway, I hope you enjoy Tamsin’s work as much as I do!

If you’d like Uncommon Miracles to arrive in your mailbox on an unexpected … Read more

Tor.com list of short fiction writers!

I am beyond thrilled when I find my name on the Tor.com list “150 ‘New’ Writers for Your Consideration.” It really is both an unexpected and special moment.

Stories, when published, feel like they have a second life, unknown to their author, at least that’s been my experience. In large part I never know who has read my work or how they’ve responded.This is one of those rare exceptions, and I can’t help but savor it!

It’s hard for any writer to find their audience. That feels especially true for short fiction. Maybe it’s something about the word … Read more