Holes in Heaven

Holes in Heaven

“Holes in Heaven”
Eunoia Review
Ed. Ian Chung
October 5, 2016


“[a] compelling story… “Holes in Heaven,” is about two brothers covertly plotting a reunion with their parents by means of a bazaar science experiment. Threaded throughout this story is a constellation of complicating factors, such as the twin brothers’ rivalries and insecurities, their loneliness and what it drives them to. The ending is startling and elegant.”

–5-Star Rating, The Review Review


First Lines

In addition to its other powers, the Arizona heat compels decay. My forty-year-old apartment building with its Class C construction and Title Eight clientele didn’t stand a chance. The stench had overtaken my bedroom months ago, the epicenter of my carefully assembled physics experiment. Even with a bandana tied around my face, the room stank like clam bellies festering in the desert sun.

I tossed another stack of torn and stained newspapers, Gila Bend Suns and Arizona Republics, onto the edges of the enormous trash heap and then angled my metal grabber, dropping Tuttle’s typed letter on top of the pile. At this point, my self-constructed stellar nursery was taller than me, taller even than my twin brother, Agustin, or any other full-sized man.


The Journal

Eunoia Review is a Singapore-based online literary journal committed to sharing the fruits of ‘beautiful thinking.’

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