Category: <span>publications</span>

Book GiveAway: The Rampant

The Rampant

After months of fear & anticipation, The Rampant has finally arrived! I knew what I wanted to write from the beginning, but it took a few years of abandonment in a darkened electronic drawer, before I found it ready for completion. Writing for me is like that: fermenting, disassembling, pickling, buffing, and finally burial with a moldy wet sock.

I’m thrilled at how well it’s been received. It’s gotten lovely reviews from Publishers Weekly and the Book Smugglers. And the early reader reviews on Amazon and Goodreads include some really kind words.

If you haven’t had a chance to … Read more

Book Birthday!!!!

Beware the Sumerian Rapture! The Rampant is officially out in the world! And I’m thrilled. Queer girls trying to save humanity by kicking off the end of the world? What’s not to like?!

Aqueduct Press:

What the heck do others have to say, you ask? Well…Okay then…
“This clever and surprisingly fun take on the rapture is the perfect theological horror story.” — Publishers Weekly

“Day perfectly balances dark and light in The Rampant, and offers up a fresh take on apocalyptic fiction that draws on ancient mythology and literature to create something that feels completely original … Read more

Reflection on My Wild 2018

I often default to disappointment in what I’ve accomplished and so laying out the year’s good news is, much like writing a resume, a way to see myself from a less critical perspective. I failed at so much. And failed to sustain the energy to complete work far more than in prior years. Below is the much cheerier perspective, just as valid as the negative, but better, or perhaps less self aggrandizing, when seen as part of a balancing act!

2018 started with the publication of my short, horror story “Re-stitched” in Split Lip Magazine and its subsequent selection as … Read more