Category: <span>feature</span>

“Raven Hair” — Cream City Review (April 2017)

My story “Raven Hair” was published in the Spring 2017 issue of the Cream City Review.

First Lines


You were the wolf, the witch, the unnamed monster in the woods. Instead of blood offerings, the townspeople left you woven baskets full of waxy red fruit. I left myself: red cape and fiery virgin blood.

I was the one who lifted my hand and knocked. I had black hair, dark as a raven, and the dress my mother had sewn for me. You saw me just the same: my already curving hips, my waiting breasts.


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“Idle Hands” — New Haven Review (February 2017)

My novelette “Idle Hands” was published in the February 2017 issue of the New Haven Review.

First Lines

Sylvia: 1971

God or no God, Sylvia Vieira’s special day was all wrong. No mother helped Sylvia fasten her dress for her First Communion. No little sister burst into her bedroom, upending her collection of pressed flowers and carefully preserved damselfly wings, then looking falsely outraged when Sylvia complained.


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Buy a copy of the New Haven Review, the essay, fiction, poetry, art, and book review journal where “Idle Hands” first appeared (Issue 019):

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“One Thousand Paper Cranes” — Kaleidotrope (January 2017)

My story “One Thousand Paper Cranes” was published in the Winter 2017 issue of Kaleidotrope.

First Lines

October, 2026: Remembering the Past Part 1
There is a story Elijah likes to tell himself. This story is set long before the fire, more than ten years ago, back in 2015.

Elijah was the younger brother, only eight years old, and Callie was the older sister who sent handwritten notes to the dead. Callie had long curly hair that frizzed in the summer til it was just like Elijah’s. Her skin was pale Irish, shades lighter than Elijah’s. Elijah had never … Read more