Author: <span>Julie Day</span>

The Snowball Is in the Mail

As part of a grad-school assignment, I’ve become embroiled with the world of podcasting.  I spent Saturday morning shut in our mudroom, surrounded by Tom’s piles of junk (old clothes,  grass-smeared sneakers and more shopping bags than any one family needs).  I sat on a step I’d covered with a torn t-shirt while my laptop rested on top of a large plastic bin full of dog food.   In other words, my first studio.

Our two cats were fascinated. They spent most of my recording session scratching at the closed door.  Other than that, it worked out pretty well.

Play to … Read more

Writing and Tattoos

So after two hours and far too much discomfort, I’m halfway through with the inking of my new tattoo. Of course, it’s taking longer than I expected and of course this first session involved a lot more pain than I envisioned before I lay down on that damn massage table.

The status right now? The outline is complete, but it’s going to take another two hours to get all those colors under my skin. Still, even partway done, the results are a little unexpected. In some ways the change is great and in other ways it’s disconcertingly different from what … Read more

Covering Up

Friday I’ve booked a three-hour session with a set of tattoo needles. Sort of surprising considering my aversion to pain. My last and, until now, only tattoo, was a flash-art selection made at midnight on a Saturday after too many beers. Providence, Rhode Island and the intern at my then-job both also played a prominent role. Good times.

So after all these years, I thought I might touch it up a little. A gryphen is nice and all, especially with the advent of Harry Potter. But perhaps, I thought, it was time to personalize that body art.

I should have … Read more