Tag: <span>short story</span>

“The Re’em Song” — Interzone (March 2015)

My story “The Re’em Song” was published in the May 2015 issue of Interzone.


First Lines

Of course, leaving was easy.

“The same damned people, the same damn trees, even the same damn work, all our God-fearing lives. Do you really think we would have married if there’d been even a handful to choose from?”

Jaw bones and sections of vertebrae hung from the rafters of their house. Ribs and phalanges contained in carefully sewn skins were piled outside, waiting to be shipped off. And always there were the horns calling from somewhere deep in the woods.

 … Read more

“The Thirteen Tuesdays of Saint Anthony” — Farrago’s Wainscot (October 2015)

My story “The Thirteen Tuesdays of Saint Anthony” was published in the October 2015 issue of Farrago’s Wainscot.


First Lines


I am writing to apply for a 2017 Farsdale Arts Council grant following the application guidelines provided on the Farsdale Arts Council website.



  • Tangent Online‘s 2015 Recommended List
  •  “…an intriguing tale….Written in the form of a grant application, the story details the sufferings of the mythical city of Farsdale Massachusetts….Her conclusion is both tragic and macabre.”

–Robert Turner, Tangent Online

  • “This story, told as a grant
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“Florida Miracles” — Interzone (November 2015)

My story “Florida Miracles” was published in the November 2015 issue of Interzone.


First Lines

Esta, it’s extremely important that David and his razorblade join us, Mrs. Henry tells me. Don’t fret, child. He’ll barely notice the blood.



“Another father-daughter relationship….I got a great feeling from this story’s complex and mature vision masked initially as a tale about young people self-harming with knives…”

–Des Lewis, Dreamcatcher Real-Time Reviews


Buy a copy of Interzone, the British fantasy and science fiction magazine where “Florida Miracles” appeared (Issue 261): http://ttapress.com/interzone/backissues/

Art work by Richard Wagner.… Read more