Tag: <span>Interzone</span>

“Florida Miracles” — Interzone (November 2015)

My story “Florida Miracles” was published in the November 2015 issue of Interzone.


First Lines

Esta, it’s extremely important that David and his razorblade join us, Mrs. Henry tells me. Don’t fret, child. He’ll barely notice the blood.



“Another father-daughter relationship….I got a great feeling from this story’s complex and mature vision masked initially as a tale about young people self-harming with knives…”

–Des Lewis, Dreamcatcher Real-Time Reviews


Buy a copy of Interzone, the British fantasy and science fiction magazine where “Florida Miracles” appeared (Issue 261): http://ttapress.com/interzone/backissues/

Art work by Richard Wagner.… Read more

“The Faces Between Us” — Interzone (September 2014)

My story “The Faces Between Us” was published in the September 2014 issue of Interzone.

First Lines: Drive long enough and you can find anything. Copper-eyed goddesses. Gilded August afternoons. That arid stretch of Oregonian high desert in the southeastern corner of the state.

Buy a copy of Interzone, the British fantasy and science fiction magazine where “The Faces Between Us” appeared (Issue 254): http://ttapress.com/interzone/backissues/

Art work by Brian Pierce.… Read more