Tag: <span>HWA</span>

2018 Fiction Awards Eligibility Post

The 2018 awards season means I need to untangle my works for this year and let people know what’s published and eligible. I honest-to-god don’t know why this post takes so long to put together! When I started I swear it was 2013…

Short Stories

“Re-stitched.” Split Lip Magazine  (January 1, 2018)

“Re-stitched” is a 3300-word dark fantasy story about family guilt, two sisters, and a grotesque religious ritual. It was first published online. SFWA & HWA members can find it in the Forums.

“Schrödinger’s.” Interzone 274 (March 1, 2018)

“Schrödinger’s” is a 4300 word story that involves a quantum … Read more