Bluebeard’s Surrender

Bluebeard’s Surrender

“Bluebeard’s Surrender”
Gorgon: Stories of Emergence
Pantheon Magazine
Ed. Sarah Read
February 15, 2019
ISBN 978-1794369962

First Lines

There are over 2900 species of snakes in this world. The rough-scaled bush viper is one of the twenty-five percent-ers, poisonous from the moment it’s born. And though it’s true that ability doesn’t infer intent any more than predilection equates with action, the muttered you-can do-it of such creatures always seethes below the surface. Perrault’s Bluebeard made the same bloody choice with each of his seven wives. In the end the secrets behind locked doors are always revealed.


The Anthology

Be changed.GORGON: STORIES OF EMERGENCE contains 42 transformative stories spanning all genres from both emerging and new voices alike, with all new stories by Gwendolyn Kiste, Richard Thomas, Annie Neugebauer, Eden Royce, Beth Cato, D.A. Xiaolin Spires and more, and featuring 10 illustrations by Carrion House.

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