Listeners Welcome: An Interview with Delia Sherman

Listeners Welcome: An Interview with Delia Sherman

Delia Sherman and I chat about her novel, The Freedom Maze, her family history and why it took over eighteen years to get this particular book published.  Actually we chatted about a month ago, but all that technical stuff takes a little time.  Finally, the interview is up.  It’s the very first episode in my Small Beer Press podcasting series and the very first podcast I’m filing under Listeners Welcome.  I have to say I am very excited, though I suppose that could be the daily dose of caffeine I’m currently consuming. Nah.  This really is the biggest of thrills.  Delia was one wonderful interview.


Delia Sherman Discusses Her Latest Book, The Freedom Maze with Julie Day of Small Beer Press.

I interviewed Delia in the Small Beer Press offices with Ellen Kushner listening in and even snapping a few pictures.  If you look closely, you might notice the plastic container sitting in the middle of the table (Ellen’s idea). I was a little nervous about recording my first interview ever.  We decided to make the pink-capped Japanese cookie container my audience.  While recording, I was speaking to that little plastic girl and no one else.  Turns out there’s nothing like a plastic girl wearing a pink cap to put me at my ease.

The Freedom Maze  is being published by Small Beer Press.  You can pre-order the book now on the Small Beer Press website.  Tune in for my next podcast.  Listeners are always welcome.

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