Tag: <span>a cappella zoo</span>

“The Church of Forgotten Gods” — A cappella Zoo (January 2015)

My story “The Church of Forgotten Gods” was published in the January 2015 issue of A cappella Zoo.

First Line: Lehia’s skin glowed like copper-tainted gold, the campfire re-forming her rounded face in a series of shadow masks, transforming her more completely than any Halloween mask or costume in the annual school play. 

Buy a copy of A cappella Zoo, the slipstream and magical realism print magazine where “The Church of Forgotten Gods” appeared (Issue 14): http://www.acappellazoo.com/order

Cover Art: Inappropriate Fear by Julian Kimmings… Read more

“Finding Your Way to the Coast” — A cappella Zoo (March 2013)

My story “Finding Your Way to the Coast” was reprinted in A cappella Zoo‘s fifth anniversary best-of anthology, Bestiary (March 2013).

First Lines: Peter’s hand moves slowly, hovering above Delia’s bare forearm, as little as an eighth of an inch between her flesh and his fingers. The ghosts feel safest that way. 

Buy a copy of A cappella Zoo, the slipstream and magical realism print magazine where “Finding Your Way to the Coast” first appeared (Issue 9) or the magazine’s best-of issue anthology (Bestiary): http://www.acappellazoo.com/order

Cover Art: by Anna Bron… Read more

Hate has nothing to do with it. Honest!

Okay, I love to write fiction, but, dear lord, I really loath writing about myself. It’s much more fun to chat *together* over a glass of just about anything. Oh, and eat chocolate as I plan escape routes to my new obsession, Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick. But that, my friends, is an entirely different topic…

Today’s blog post is about none of those things. It’s all about catching up,in a sweetly and simplistic list format. So here’s what’s happened since we last talked:

1. I started a new day-job in June.

2. My story “Paradigm Shift” came out in … Read more